Home Result Check Avadh University Result 2019 B.A, B.Sc, B.Com Results

Check Avadh University Result 2019 B.A, B.Sc, B.Com Results


Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University declared the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year result 2019 for B.A, B.Sc, B.Com and B.Sc Ag courses. The result was declared on June 2019 for both even and odd semester along with back paper. Many Students were Eagerly waiting for their Result to be announced and finally, the results are here. Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University Faizabad announced result for B.Com 1st Sem, B.com 2nd, B.Com 3, NA 3, B.A 2, B.Sc 3 and B.Sc Ag 4th.

The result has been declared for all the affiliated colleges of avadh university, All the candidates who have written the avadh university uttar pradesh semester exam can check their result from the link given below. candidates can also check their marksheet online or visit http://results.rmlauexams.in/Forms/main/ViewResult.aspx and http://result.rmlauexams.in/Forms/Result1/Result.aspx

Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University Result 2018

Check Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University Result 2019:-

University:- Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University, Faizabad

Exam Name:- Avadh University B.A, B.Sc, B.Com Semester Exam Result 2019 (1st, 2nd & 3rd year) along with back paper

Date of Result Announcement:- 7th June 2019

Link to Check Result Online:- CLICK HERE to Check Your Avadh university B.A, B.Sc, B.Com Result 2019 Online.

Result – B.COM ONE 

Result – B.COM TWO 

Result – B.COM THREE 

Result – B.A. THREE 

Result – B.A. TWO 

Result – B.SC. THREE 

Result – BSCAG IV 

How to Check Avadh University B.A, B.Sc, B.Com Result 2019 –

  • Click on the above link to check your Result
  • Enter your Univerity roll number
  • Now, Click on Show Result
  • Your Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University Faizabad UG Result will be displayed on the Screen.
  • Print & Save your Result for Future reference
  • if you didn’t get your result, then leave your Roll number below & we will do it for you.

Avadh University Important Note : 

  1. To pass a candidate must obtain a minimum of 33% marks in theory & practical separately.
  2. 1st,2nd,3rd division shall be given on the grand total marks of 1080,810 and 594 separately
  3. On the basis of Third year total there is a provision of giving 1 grace mark on the total of 198-208, 2 grace marks on the total of 209-218,
  4. 3 grace marks on the total of 219-228,
  5. To pass a candidate must obtain a minimum of 33% marks in the environmental study.

If you have any issues with your avadh university result please let us know in comments below

avadh university result
avadh university ba result 2019
dr ram monohar lohiya university result 2019
avadh university b.com result 2019
avadh university b.sc result 2019
avadh university back paper result 2019


    • Student’s Name : MITHUN KUMAR SHUKLA
      Father’s Name : RAVINDRA KUMAR SHUKLA
      Roll No. : 16492318
      Enroll No. : 16236179
      Category : Regular
      Class : : B.SC. Part -III

      Maximum Marks
      Obtain Marks

      I Paper
      II Paper
      III Paper
      IV Paper
      V Paper
      Total Marks of Theory
      Partical Mark
      Total Theory and Partical Mark
      04 39
      64 140
      28 34
      61 172
      Environmental Studies

      II Year
      III Year
      Grand Total
      713 /1200
      312/ 600
      1025 /1800
      Result / Division
      Passed/ Second

  1. Rool number 18001948 B. A1years military science ka partical 5/6/2018 ko Diya hi to result kab aaye ga please sir se bata dijiye……

    • apka B.A. 1st year ka result show ho raha hai kya? mujhe meri sis ka result show nhi ho raha apne kese check kiya hai mujhe link send kr sakte ho plzzz

  2. Sir my caste can be changed it should be obc but it is general and I have gotten a
    48 marks in class 9th I have any chance to get admission in chgs please reply back

  3. Hlw sir mujhe kuch puchna h AAP se ….maine 2015 me apke University me admisn liye 2016 me 1complet hua BSC k fir bimari ki vajh se 2year drop ho Gaya ab mujhe admisn chahiye kya mera admisn 2nd year hoga

    • Roll number – 18155668
      College code- 230
      College name- Baba jairam dwivedi mahavidyalaya naraharpur amethi.
      Class- BA part 2
      Result is not showing

  4. Roll no. 00018265119 BA Second Year, Result Not Show Collage Code. 635 Please help me, i am in big problem please

  5. Sir roll no. 00018265119 BA second year, Collage Code 635 ka risult show nahi ho raha , please help me i am in a big problem please

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